Career Coaching for Solo Entrepreneurs

Branding, website, and social media

Consultants | Coaches | Solo Business Owners

(503) 575-8217

Vicki Lind has helped hundreds of solo entrepreneurs

  • Identify and research market niches to understand what motivates your potential clients.

  • Write compelling web copy with keywords that speak to your clients in each niche.

  • Use social media and blogging to drive clients to your website.

  • Create profiles on directories from PsychologyToday to Upworks.

Recent Clients


Mariann Hyland, JD, MSW

Mediator, Coach & DEI Consultant

Hyland Solutions

  • ~ Mariann Hyland, JD, MSW


Amy Kisei

Zen Teacher, Spiritual Counselor

& Life Coach

Earth Dreams 

  • ~ Amy Kisei


Pilar Hernandez, PhD

Psilocybin Facilitators Training Program

Earth Medicine Center

  • ~Earth Medicine Team


Lennon Molofsky

Somatic Bodyworker & Coach

Mindbody Somatics

  • Lennon Molofsky


Individual Sessions: $130 per hour or a package of 9 sessions for $925 (sliding scale available)

Thirty-minute complimentary exploration call.

"If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, then what am I?

And if not now, when?~ Rabbi Hillel